11 July 2007

Connect Group

1) We will be having steamboat this Saturday @ the Village after the 'Destiny' course!!

2) Connect Group @ Winnie's place commencing at 4pm followed by pot-luck. Bring a dish!

Next Saturday (21 July 2007) we will be listening to Bishop T D Jakes message and sharing on what God has revealed to us (ie the questions I've asked you to pray about) on:

1) Where do you think God is leading you or what is God saying to you to move, grow or step into in this second half of 2007?

2) What are the challenges, obstacles or struggles u face in responding to the voice of God?

3) Write on a piece of paper your dreams and desires (without limits)

We will than pray for one another and change prayer buddies (would be 5 weeks by then). Hope you have been keeping in touch with one another and holding ur prayer buddy in prayer!

Come expectant, prepared, and hungry!

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