19 Sept 2007

This week in Connect Group..

After a loooong long time, Connect Group is back again!!I can't wait as we come together to learn from one another thru sharing as well as receive the word of the Lord thru John Bevere!

This week's Connect group will be at...

RSVP : Sarah (0423063264)

We'll be doing 2 sessions of Draw Near! woohoo!
Please read chapters 7 and 8

Here are the discussion questions for this week :)
You can choose to answer one or ALL the questions

1)As you look back at your life far, did you have a distorted /wrong mindset what who God is? What was it?

2)What do you find difficult to obey God in? / In which situation do you find it hard to obey God?

3)What changes do you think you need to make in your life to be obedient to God?

We'll also be attempting to make AB Yiros for dinner! (Winnie,we'll TRY to save some for you..)
We're planning to go marketing on friday evening..so if u can come come!

Let's come with expectant hearts to receive and give our all to the Lord as we praise and worship thru songs!

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